Decorated combat veterans - including an Eagle Scout - are among the five Blackwater security guards indicted for allegations against them for their actions while defending a US diplomat from an ambush at Nisoor Square in Baghdad.
The indicted men include three Marines, a former US Army soldier from the 82nd Airborne, and a former Army infantry soldier. During their military service, all had been decorated for good conduct and other achievements. They served in Afghanistan, Bosnia and Iraq before joining Blackwater.
They are, according to the Associated Press and Washington Post:
Donald Ball, 26, of Utah. Corporal, US Marines, 1st Battalion, 5th Marines, 2001-2005; a squad team leader with two tours in Iraq. Honor graduate, School of Infantry, Camp Pendleton, California. Among his honors: Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal for his leadership while coming under sniper fire; Certificate of Commendation for his combat service in Fallujah; Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal and others. The US Embassy in Baghdad praised him for heroically sticking with his mission and not losing focus in the midst "numerous improvised explosive devices and small arm attacks." Ball was an Eagle Scout.
Dustin Heard, 27, of Tennessee. Corporal, US Marines, Security Force Battalion, First Fleet Anti-Terrorist Security Team, 2000-2003. Secured oil platforms off Iraqi coast during invasion in 2003. Member, 2nd Battalion, 8th Marines, 2003-2004. Deployed to Afghanistan. Among his honors: Received three certificates of appreciation from the US Embassy in Baghdad for securing the Embassy and the "Ministry of Parliament," and for protecting Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.
Evan Liberty, 26, of New Hampshire. Headquarters Battalion, 2nd Marine Division, 2001-2002; Marine Security Detachment, US Embassy Cairo, 2002-2003; Marine Security Detachment, US Embassy Guatemala, 2003-2004. Among his honors: Meritorious Mast, Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal, White House Communications Agency Certificate.
Nick Slatten, 25, of Tennessee. Sergeant, US Army 82nd Airborne, 2002-2006, served in Iraq; graduate of Army Sniper School, with two combat tours in Iraq. Among his honors: Army Good Conduct Medal.
Paul Slough, 29, of Texas. US Army 3rd Infantry Division, 1999-2002, with tour in Bosnia; Texas National Guard, 2/142 Infantry, 2002-2006, with tour in Iraq. Among his honors: Army Commendation Medal and Army Good Conduct Medal.
Have you heard of any 'defense fund' or any organization that is helping these contractors fight the indictments?
I have linked to your postings and would like to be able to help these guys out if possible.
Thank you for helping inform the public on who these five brave men REALLY are! The statements of support by people who actually know these men and can account for their character is overwhelming.
Now, many of us would like to have the sixth "sell-out's" bio and character witness statements as well! Who is this mysterious man who has either lied to the DOS at the onset of the investigation or is lying to the DOJ now to CYA!?
It is only fair to give this man facetime as well and let the American and Iraqi people see just who this 'man' really is. Where are his statements? Have they been released by the DOS or DOJ? Where is this man now residing? Has he paid his debt ot society yet for what he says HE did in Baghdad? What do his parents, siblings, former teachers/coaches, and employees say about HIS character? It is not fair to make all this information public about these five and shield the one who is the accuser!
If he stands behind his statement he must feel he's done the 'right thing'. Let him be put on display for the general public to form opinions regarding his character and actions as well!
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